Browse Articles By Tag: pain management
Pain is a message from your body telling you that you have damage. When you break your bones, some kind of pain message will be released from your nervous system to your brain through the spinal cord to the brain.
12.02.2015 · From Andrew_Facebook
The best way to get rid of back pain is to bed rest, bad posture has been linked to many bodily pains, and mindfulness on maintaining good posture and the changing of posture is also equally important. (...)
02.12.2012 · From MikeHirst
Low back pain does not affect young people as they are involved with activities hence they do not suffer from low back pain unless they subjected to direct injury. Low back pain is commonly present in a person who has lost physical fitness, muscles weakened or weight. (...)
01.12.2012 · From MikeHirst
You see, one of the main reasons for low back pain is obesity. There have been an increasing number of individuals who have suffered from low back pain all thanks to the fact that they are overweight. (...)
01.12.2012 · From MikeHirst
Another known issue would be posture and how you approach it. People who are generally slouches are known to have issues with your backs. Consistently having bad posture while being obese could easily be a recipe for severe lower back pain. (...)
01.12.2012 · From MikeHirst
The natural methods of getting rid of back pain are those that do not resort to medication or associated treatment to the end of curing back pain. These methods usually involve eliminating the causes and reasons for the back pain to be cured and it is recommended that...
23.11.2012 · From MikeHirst
There could be several causes of a low back pain. One of the most common cause is overwork and bad posture while seated or sleeping. These are simple things that a lot of people ignore. You should always be mindful of your posture. (...)
22.11.2012 · From MikeHirst
Before identifying back pain remedies, the reasons and causes for a back pain need to identified. Often a back pain is caused as a result of obesity, pregnancy, job-related postures, stooping, related stressful postures or occasionally spinal complications. (...)
18.11.2012 · From MikeHirst
The most common causes of neck and back pain are due to incorrect posture and seating, especially if it takes place for long periods of time. This type of neck and back pain can be eased by applying external ointments, but they can reoccur unless the root cause has...
17.11.2012 · From MikeHirst
If you are suffering from chronic pain, the brain receives signals not to do certain activities such as sitting, walking or lying. Chronic pain can be associated with aching and throbbing. In some cases it can be dull whilst in others it could be sharp. (...)
13.11.2012 · From MikeHirst
A simple back pain remedy is applying ice on the affected area within twenty four hours of feeling the pain. And once twenty four hours have passed apply a hot compress. Icing the area that is affected helps reduce muscle inflammation and numbs the nerves that emit...
11.11.2012 · From MikeHirst
The best way you can get into back pain management is by simply educating yourself. All you really need to do is to find out what the exact problem is and then to take remedial action. If you are in constant pain, it is best that you seek medical attention. (...)
10.11.2012 · From MikeHirst
There are numerous factors that cause back pains. On many occasions back pains appear to be a symptom of medical conditions such as osteoporosis and arthritis. However incorrect posture when carrying out day to day activities such as sitting, standing, sleeping etc. (...)
05.11.2012 · From MikeHirst
Doing upper back pain exercises can help relieve the throbbing. Doing exercises before and after physical activity will enable your back to feel less strain by loosening muscle tissue. By doing these exercises you will also help your back to become more flexible which...
01.11.2012 · From MikeHirst
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